The calculated quotation serves as an estimate solely derived from the stated product details. We cannot attest its accuracy with the actual shipment, as it may vary with the information provided. Thus, the rate and total amount are subject to change without prior notice based on the product name, product description, actual volume, and actual weight of the cargoes. Please note that different products have different rates. Some are charged per CBM and some per weight.
The estimated quotation is from our China warehouse to our Quezon City (QC) only and does not include delivery to your address. You may collect from our QC warehouse.
With our vast experience in the industry, we are committed to delivering your cargoes safely and securely. Seamless and hassle-free!
Connect with usCARGO2PH specializes in cargo consolidation and fulfillment services from China to Manila. From small to big cargoes, we can ship them for you with our business-friendly rates and hassle-free importation experience!
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